Example: Using GnuPG to Encrypt Files with a PGP Key

Last Updated: 2021-03-02

This topic provides an example of how to use Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) on various operating systems to import a public PGP key and encrypt zipped CSV import files.

About this task

The end result is a PGP-encrypted ZIP file (.zip.pgp) that is ready to be uploaded to the IBM sFTP server.

To do this task, you need the following from the Welcome emailpublic PGP key (in an .asc file).

  1. Go to the GnuPG website to download the software: https://gnupg.org/download/index.html.
  2. Scroll to GnuPG Binary Releases.

    GnuPG Binary Releases

  3. For the Windows OS, select the Download Sig link either for Simple Installer for the Current GnuPG or Simple Installer for GnuPG 1.4.
  4. Select Run and follow the steps to install the software.
  5. Open a command prompt (Windows > Run > cmd > OK or Enter key).

    open command prompt

  6. Enter command cd\ and press the Enter key to move to the root directory (for example, enter: C:\).

    change directory

  7. Change the directory where GNUPG is installed by entering a command like cd Program Files (x86)\gnupg\bin\.
  8. Enter gpg --list-keys to initialize and create trustdb (trust database) before first time use.

    gpg --list-keys


The following shows what you enter in a Command Prompt window for each operating system. This assumes you already went to the GnuPG website and downloaded/installed the software.

In all the operating systems, to check if your software installed correctly, enter gpg --help in the command line.

  1. Install HomeBrew by entering the following in the command line:
    • /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Install GnuPG by entering the following in the command line:
    • brew install gnupg
  3. You may be asked to enter Xcode in the command line if you never installed it.

Debian OS (Linux) - Install GnuPG by entering the following in the command line:

  • apt install gnupg

Ubuntu OS (Linux) - Install GnuPG by entering the following in the command line:

  • apt-get install gnupg

Redhat OS (Linux) - Install GnuPG by entering the following in the command line:
  • yum install gnupg


The following procedure shows you how to do this.


Import the Public PGP Key

  1. Download the public PGP key (provided in Welcome email, in an .asc file) to your machine. An .asc file is used by PGP encryption.
  2. Open a command prompt and enter the path to the .asc file so that you can import the key. Note: This is a one time task.

    Format: gpg --import <complete_path_to_.asc_file>

    Example: gpg --import pub.asc

    GnuPG import key command
    Note: If the public key is successfully imported, the name of the key (a user ID (uid as provided in the Welcome email) displays. In this example, tsdemo1 is the name of the key. You need the key name for encryption.
  3. If you enter gpg --list-keys in the command prompt, all available public keys on this particular machine display, including the public key you imported.

    gpg --list-keys

Encrypt the File

  1. Enter gpg --edit-key "tsdemo1" to open the public key for editing. This step ensures you are ready for encrypting files using this key. Then enter the following, one at a time in the prompt:
    • trust
    • 5
    • y
    • quit
  2. Edit public key

  3. Navigate to the path where the ZIP file you intend to encrypt is located.
  4. Enter the following in the command prompt to identify the key (tsdemo1 in this example), and the ZIP file name-u indicates you are using a key, and -e indicates a ZIP file name follows.

    Format: gpg -u "<key_uid>" -e <zip_file_to_be_encrypted>

    Example: gpg -u "tsdemo1" -e testfile.zip

    GnuPG command to encrypt ZIP file
  5. Enter the following in the command prompt to identify the key (tsdemo1 in this example), and the path to the ZIP file.

    Format: gpg --encrypt --recipient “<key_uid>” “<complete_path _to_zip_file>”

    Example: gpg --encrypt --recipient “tsdemo1” “C:\Testing\testfile.zip"

    GnuPG command to encrypt ZIP file
  6. Rename the file name suffix from .gpg to .pgp. You now have a PGP-encrypted ZIP file, ready for upload to the IBM sFTP server.